Flu season is around the corner. It's highly likely that this year's season will coincide with another
wave of COVID-19 infections, as we’ve seen in the last two years. Could your sniffles be caused by
COVID-19? Or the flu? Or a cold? Read further for important information on this. We are reinforcing the
claiming process for the Prescribed Minimum Benefit Chronic Disease List claims if your condition has been approved
on the Chronic Illness Benefit.
Kidney failure in South African adults is mainly due to inherited Hypertension (60-65%) or Type 2 Diabetes (another
20-25%). It may surprise you that having your eyes tested regularly may result in early detection of a serious illness.
Eyes are sensitive indicators and may reveal vision problems, eye diseases and general health irregularities long
before any obvious physical symptoms exist. So, read on to find out more about kidney and eye health.